Sunday, October 13, 2019

What's New News!

Hi there,

I just returned  last Sunday from  teaching a wonderful workshop at Dakota Pastels Art Center- a 3 day workshop with a group of very talented artists, diversified in their skills and mediums. Here are some samplings of their work
Joni Powers- pastel & Acrylics

Louise Hublitz Pastel & Acrylics
Jan Heigh Acrylic / Soft Pastel

Cynthia Esselman Pastel & Acrylics

Liz Layn  Pastel & Acrylics, Watercolor underpainting

At Work

Morning Warm Ups Pastel on Sand paper

Morning Warmups  Pastel on sand paper

I love teaching workshops.  I also now recognize that the energy expenditure requires me about 1 week to re-group and settle back into my being.  Strange, this time I regained my sense of self by cleaning my studio floor and finally doing the windows, inside and out.  Now I can work.  Also what was required was a rebalancing of most of the work hanging in my gallery home studio.  At any rate, I am now settled in New Beginnings.  Cheers!